
Work work work work work…

Welcome aluminium fans and lovers of stability.

Thanks to everybody who ordered over the last 1-2 months for making our christmas and new years break more stressfull but giving us an almost bursting production book. We wanted to just let you know that wo are working heavy to get all orders out as fast as we can.

Also the majority of the work on the Sim Rig line is done but we are still working on additional expansions for flight and racing rigs.

We are also working on a pedal expansion for the Flight Stand. It should be available very soon.

Just a short update from us. Back to work!


Sim Rig line almost done

We have been working hard the last few month to update the entire Sim Rig line. Our goal was to make it easy for users to build their own dream rig. Base/Wheel/Shifter or Base/HOTAS/TV, whatever you want is possible. I think our hard work paid off so far and we made some very cool improvements. But we are not done yet, a few pieces are still missing and we have some products under construction.

Also we are not just Marc and Olsen anymore, since the start of november our friend Alex helps us out with the production. Welcome!

That was desperately needed to cope with the increase in orders this year. Thanks to everybody by the way!

If you have some ideas or whishes how to improve the Sim Rigs even more, let us know down in the comments.

Here a quick look at all the new pieces from the Sim Rig line:

Sim Rig Base Framemonster_tech_sim_rig_base_1

Wheel and Shifter Expansionsmonster_tech_sim_rig_shifter_3

HOTAS Expansionflight_seat_render_3

Center Joystick Expansionmonster_tech_sim_rig_center_2

Single TV-Mount – now standing on its ownmonster_tech_sim_rig_tv_single_4

WIP – Handbrake Expansionmonster_tech_sim_rig_handbrake_1

We wish everybody a “guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr”.



WIP Sim Rig Line Update

For the last few month we have been working on a complete upgrade of the sim rig line. It’s not ready yet, just to make that clear. Don’t write me a ton of emails. 😉

Our goal is to make the process of ordering a complex sim rig easy and fun. We are planning to offer a building set, where you can just select the parts that you would like to have on your rig. Everything is compatible with each other and can be added or expanded whenever you like.

The planned building blocks or components are:
– Sim Rig base (seat mount, pedal mount)

– Racing extension (wheel, standard shifter)
– Rally shifter
– Handbrake

– Flight extension (HOTAS, armrests)
– Center joystick extension

– Keyboard swivel extension
– TV-mount extension single
– TV-mount extension triple

We are still working on the images for every item but we are making good progress. Here are a few examples fresh out of 3D program. (still work in progress and subject to change)

Flight Seat test render 1

Flight Seat test render 2


Crazy times on the workbench

Marc and Olsen, most famous for producing some weird joystick constraption, have not been seen in the last few months. If you happend to run into two beardy and slightly overweight men in their late fourties with aluminium scrap all over their hair please contact your local HOTAS dealer.

Well the rumours of our demise have been exagerrated, we just didn’t get out of the workshop for the last half a year. The amount of orders we received since the beginning of the year is hitting us hard where the sun don’t shines.

Okay kidding aside, we have been producing table mounts in all variations non stop for the last 8 months. A few weeks ago we finally finished the last missing mounting plate (hello Logitech G940), now we just have to make sure we have everything in stock all the time, which proofs more difficult than it sounds. We constantly have hundreds of mounting plates in order with our watercutting and anodizing partners but if even one piece of the chain has a delay, everything is delayed. I guess welcome to the business world… “Hey Marc, we need our own watercutting machine!!!11”.

We are also working on a revamp of our Sim Rig line for the last 2 months. We finished the design for a new Flight Seat / Racing Seat combo. We are almost ready to launch, but I have to finish the last renders so we have pictures on the page! I am slowly getting used to SolidWorks, the renders getting really pretty but still a lot to learn.

And we launched the Stand on the website, a little mix between table mount and sim rig, but maybe very useful for some people, I love it. We should be ready to ship the first few orders very soon.

Both me and Marc are super happy how everything progresses and we are having a lot of fun making and improving all our products. Sometimes it’s a lot of work and quite stressfull but hey that’s life I guess.

See you soon!


First Black Mamba mounting plate test

We got the first batch of the new Black Mamba mounting plates in recently. Thanks to our good friend Stefaan here is a little fotogallery. All foto credits go to him.

I was a bit nervous because we didn’t have a Black Mamba at hand when I designed the plate. But I am happy to announce that everything fits perfectly. Puh… The new Mamba plate has the same angle adjustmend feature as the Warthog joystick mounting plate but see for yourself.

Tested with a VKB Black Mamba Mk2 joystick.

All recent and future Black Mamba orders will come with the new plates.


Joystick/HOTAS Stand Build Video

We just finished a first prototype for a Joystick/HOTAS stand. The stand sits in front of the desk and holds the stick and throttle in a perfect position. It’s also possible to switch the right joystick mount to a center mount.

Here is the build video. I hope you like it, it’s as crazy as usual. Beware of german language!


We got reviewed in Canard PC

The french gaming magazine Canard PC contacted us a few weeks ago about reviewing our Joystick Table Mounts. Of course we agreed and send out a pair of mounts with Warthog mounting plates.

If you can read french give it a go, if not look a the pretty pictures.

Thanks to Canard PC for the review, we are very proud. You can find the print version in Canard PC issue #337.

Canard PC Review Monster Tech Joystick Table Mount


Production Update and new Shipping Rates

As mentioned before we are now getting better prices from DHL and we were able to lower the shipping rates to everywhere on the planet. Especially the shipping rates outside of Europe got a lot cheaper. We are very happy about that, nobody likes to pay for shipping… The new shipping rates have been applied for about 6 weeks now, so every recent order already got them.

On the production side we made some big leaps to make the table mounts better and easier to produce. We now have watercut manufactured mounting plates for most joystick and HOTAS systems in stock and anodized. Before we made most of the mounting plates by hand but the cutting, drilling, fettling and sandblasting took most of the time building the entire mounts. Now the plates not only look better but also have more cool features.


We sadly had some delays in the last weeks but they are worked out now. We apologize to everybody who had to wait longer. It is always a hazzle to work with other companies which do not keep their promised delivery dates. We are building up our stock at the moment so thats not going to happen again.

Full production mode!



Nobody likes Grime

We are very happy about the latest addition to our shop. We partnered up with Okona and can now offer Dustshields for Warthog joysticks. Nobody wants to have dust, debris or even grime to get into the gimbal of the Warthog joystick. Also opening, cleaning and regreasing the stick base regularly is not everybodies cup of tea.

We can only recommend this very simple but clever solution to protect your Warthog stick and keep the performance as good as possible. Just slid it on and your are ready to play savely.

The plastic discs are made out of very robust biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate, better known as Mylar. Made in U.S.A.

The first Dustshield we got is already successfully protecting my Warthog stick against grime. Get’em.